
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Trick or Treat.......lots of sweets!!!


Having put Hurricane Sandy behind us it's time to get our freak on!!

We have added a new decoration to the house year, meet our friendly skeleton ghost! Of course all the kids freaked when they came home to find him hanging on the door frame of the study BUT they soon got over it lol

About 6 foot in height, this is our latest edition to our small Halloween decoration pile :)
Our very first Fall/Halloween decoration! This was handmade with a chainsaw! Picked it up for $20 at a local Fair!
Our 'other' skeletons whose skull lights up and our Zombie Groom, with flashing red eyes!



The front of our house. The boys had a great time with the web stuff!


We ventured out into our local neighbourhood. Its always great to chat to the neighbours and catch up!
Lucky for the boys, we get very few children through,
so they love all the lollies!
After that we headed to our Downtown district.
The folks down there get right into Halloween,
with all sorts of props, costumes and treats!

The boys had a great night and have happily counted
out over 300 treats between them!
Oh and I must not forget my yummy
caramel whirls from hubby xxxxx


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Clark's Farm ~ Pumpkin Funland!


One thing we have learnt over here is that Americans LOVE to celebrate.
Be it Valentines Day, Thanksgiving or the changing of the seasons,
you can always find some kind of activity to do with the kids.
We are now officially in Fall (Australia's Autumn) but it is very different over here.
The trees are all changing colour and then drop their leaves and it is also
the season for pumpkin picking and Halloween!

Today I let Mitchell have the day off pre-school and we joined some friends for a trip to Clark's Farm! We had not been before so were not sure what to expect. It was $5 each to get in and that included a pumpkin to take home. Perfect as Korey needed one for a school activity next week!
What a great little place to take younger children! It had a maze, corn kernal pit (instead of sand), face painting, animals, swings and even pumpkin bowling!
Here are some photos of our great little day out :)

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Navy Ball 2012

2012 United States Navy Ball

My husband Col & I entering the Ball
This evening we attended the Navy Ball in celebration of 237 years for the USN (United States Navy). We invited some fellow Aussies who are also on posting over here to join us along with some friends we met through hubby's work.
I love a reason to frock up, get my hair done and enjoy a night out in the company of adults only!
This year the venue was at the Fredericksburg Square. It was beautifully decorated and had a real intimate atmosphere. The food was amazing and Verdi champers was a delicious compliment to the night! Note to self..........hunt down some Verdi!
Of course the night it not just celebrating today's Navy but also remembering those who have fallen before us or currently deployed. I have to say the USA has an amazing respect for its Military and it is an honour to be a part of it. We all received a coin and glass as a memento of the night!
The glass

Front of coin

Back of coin
So here are a couple of photos of our night! A great night with great company and I look forward to next years one :)
Table 10! Charlene, Laurie, Myself, Col, Belinda, Jason, Christin & Andrew :)

The ladies :)

These 3 go way back......funny how we all come together again on the other side of the world :)

Just a small printing error LUET!!! Should be LEUT!!

The fabulous Table 10 crew!
We all enjoyed a small after party at our house. lots of laughs and it was really great to spend time with friends old and new :)

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Monday, October 1, 2012

Chicago ~ Big City, Country feel!

Wedding Anniversary, Expensive Restaurant,

Sunset Cruise & Tourist Must Sees!

On Saturday 29th September, my husband and I celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary!
In the lead up to our special day I was told "do not organise anything at all for our Anniversary, as I have made plans for us".
The short of it is, my wonderful hubby had booked and planned a weekend away to Chicago! He was trying to keep it a secret but accidently let the location slip during conversation with friends.

29th September 2007 ~ Short Point, Merimbula NSW, Australia

I kept true to my word and did not even google the word Chicago as I did not want to ruin the plans he had made. Which also included babysitters for the 3 boys!

We arrived at Reagan airport in Washington DC, with an hour until our flight was scheduled to leave. Next thing, the flight had been delayed not once but at least 4 times. In total we were delayed by 3 hours, so did not head off until almost 9pm. This screwed up hubby's plans for our first night in town - a dinner booking at the Signature Room on the 95th floor of the John Hancock Observatory. To say he was upset is an understatement. It is a shame that he had to cancel it.

So we landed and Chicago and the excitement kicked in. I had no idea what we were doing which added to the excitement! We hopped off the plane and headed out to the taxi stand area. I had mentioned earlier in the day that I had taken money out to pay for a cab in case they didn't have a swipe machine to pay by card. Little did I know, that hubby had booked us a black stretch limousine! I was gob smacked when I saw it pull up and was told "this is for us"!

We enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine and arrived at our swanky hotel. The Fairmont Hotel - Millennium Park! We were booked into the 'gold level' that gave us exclusive access to various lounge areas, canapes`, drinks, chocolates and breaky each day! There was a big golf tournament in town and several players were also staying there!

Our hotel, the shorter building to the left!

Due to the cancellation of dinner, we took advantage of the 24/7 room service, another 'gold level' perk :) The meal was lovely and it was a nice way to end the evening!

Started with crab cakes. I had grilled snapper with Chinese style veg, Col had fillet Mignon and we shared a cheesecake for sweets!

Day 2: Happy Anniversary to us!

We woke early this morning ready to take on the action  planned adventure around town. For those who know my husband, know how much he loves beer. Infact he is a home brewer with dreams of having a micro brewery one day! As it was our 5th Anniversary, the traditional gift is wood. I had organised a company to make me a sign with the name of  his brewery on it. I figured he could hang it in the bar area at home, where he produces his golden ales! He is also a MAD Bruce Springsteen fan. Having been to 3 of his concerts in the last 3 months over here, it was only fitting that I brought him tickets to his 4th! Besides paper comes from trees and trees are wood! lol He has been asking me (ok nagging a little!!) to attend a concert with him, so I can see how much he loves Bruce. So its the least I can do for him. By the way babe, I know how much you love him!

Of course I was not expecting any extra gift as such, as the whole weekend was my gift. However he pulled out a medium sized wooden box and promptly placed it in my hands. Let me remind you all, it was around 7am when this exchange took place. I opened the box, SCREAMED and threw it as far I could in a huge panic! It was a 'gag' box. You open the lid and a bloody fake spider pounces out onto your hand! He thought it was hilarious................I was awake now! lol

Time to get back to our trip! The first stop for the day was jumping on board a double decker bus (open top) for a tour around the city. We could get on and off at any one of the 15 stops and do the touristy things in that area.

We went to enter the Art Institute but sadly it did not open for some time, so rather than stand with the crowd, we continued on our way.

Here is a photo journal of the places we visited!

Famous Chicago Theatre

Buckingham Fountain ~ Millennium Park

Lake Michigan!

Navy Pier

Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier

Harry Caray's for lunch at the pier

The Water Tower

Candyality ~ all these dresses are made from candy & wrappers!

One of the views from the John Hancock Observatory

Skydeck Ledge! You actually walk onto a glass platform on the 103rd floor of the building!

Sunset cocktail cruise down the canals of Chicago and out onto Lake Michigan

On the cruise

Skyline of Chicago from the cruise at night
 After the cruise we walked back to the hotel and got ready for dinner. Col wanted us to experience something we had never done before and really didn't care about the bill at the end! He booked us in to Acadia, which is a popular little restaurant on the outskirts of town. Here is a look at our personalised menu for the night! We enjoyed every course and it was a tasting style plate. So not huge serves, but really yummy! it was full silver service, personal waiter, top shelf alcohol selection and a few hundred dollars! Definately one of those things you don't do very often at all! lol

Lots of yummy things to try! They printed this out for us to keep :)

Hubby at Acadia ~ expensive dinner date!

Me at Acadia after a few too many cocktails on the cruise and a killer vodka based one at the restaurant!

Last Day: Not without a quick visit to a few more sites!

We woke up early and headed out asap as we really wanted to go and check out The Bean, before heading to the airport for our 10:30am flight back!
It is an amazing piece of work. Looks like a giant chrome jelly bean and the reflections of the city building off it are awesome!

The Bean!! This is at Millennium Park

Love the reflection of the city on it!

Millennium Park Crowne Fountain

Just a pic of the city :)

We really had a great trip and saw so many more things than what I have posted here, even if they were from the roof of the bus! Given we arrived at 11pm Friday night and left at 10:30am Sunday morning, I think we did great!

Here are a few pics taken at the Observatory and Skydeck Ledge. the one on the ledge is an actual photo, not the green backdrop job! lol

Day shot at John Hancock Observatory

Night shot

This is the photo taken on the skydeck ledge! Not scared at all, don't mind heights and it was very safe!

Well that pretty much sums up our great little trip away. It is always nice to take some time out, away from the busy life you have with children and spend some quality time together. We really loved Chicago, it is a beautiful city. Best way to describe it is big city with a country feel. Very quiet, laid back type of place. We will be up there again next year for our big Route 66 cross country tour! stay tuned :)

To my wonderful, awesome hubby ~ thank you for such an amazing opportunity and the best surprise ever! I love you with all my heart "To Infinity & Beyond"!!

Happy 5th Anniversary to us :)
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