
Thursday, February 3, 2011

So we are moving to AMERICA!!!

OMG we are in total shock yet so thrilled!!! Hubby got the call yesterday, he was successful in his application for the job in the States!

We have told the children and our families. Of course word started spreading quite fast so it was time for a facebook status update!!! The support has been amazing and so many people are happy for us.

We will be moving in July to Virginia on the East Coast. We have been chatting about all the things we want to see and do. Of course hubby is there to work, so most will be done on weekends and holiday breaks!

There is so much to organise with housing, schools and of course a car etc. There is only a certain amount of items we can take so most will go to storage or be sold before we go.

This is an adventure of a lifetime!!

So its time to do lots of researching, organise passports for the kids and visas etc. Wow we just dont know where to start!
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Bit of Background!

I met my husband 6 years ago. We clicked and it felt like we had know each other all our lives. We are soul mates and so the fairytale goes. We married in Sept 2007 and welcomed our son into our lives in Dec 2007. Yeah things didnt quite go to plan there! We were hoping to announce we were expecting but, well it happened a little sooner and instead I was 7 months already for our wedding day!! lol
We had a fantastic honeymoon in Fiji and a few days on the Gold Coast before returning home.

The birth of our son was a really quick and exciting one! My waters broke, contractions started and 2hr 7 mins later he was in our arms! My husband was fortunate enough to deliver him himself. The midwife invited him to do so. Yeah we did actually make it to hospital, only just!

This was both our 2nd marraiges. We also both had 2 children each already. I had 2 sons and hubby had 2 daughters. So the arrival of our son completed the His, Mine & Ours saying. We have made sure there will be no more to add to our tribe after a little 'snipping' took place!!

My husband is in the Navy. He has just celebrated 21 years, which is quite an achievement given he is only 36. He started out as a 15 year old trainee. When we met he was completing his final year at Uni and we were both living in Melbourne. Which brings me to my blog as the Aussie Navy Wife.

We moved in together and took a posting to Sydney. We have been living here for the past 5 years. Well the 3 boys and I have! Hubby has just moved back 'home' after spending 14 months posted to a ship over in Perth. It was a really hard time. Many tears and pain but all for one reason. My husband has a goal that he is working hard to achieve. The first thing he needed to do was get his charge qualification (QC). Then he applied for a posting to America. A job he had applied for 2 years previously, but fell short by not having all the qualifications needed.

Fast forward to now and he has landed the job and we are on our way!

So thats a basic rundown on where we are today and how we got here!
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