
Thursday, February 3, 2011

So we are moving to AMERICA!!!

OMG we are in total shock yet so thrilled!!! Hubby got the call yesterday, he was successful in his application for the job in the States!

We have told the children and our families. Of course word started spreading quite fast so it was time for a facebook status update!!! The support has been amazing and so many people are happy for us.

We will be moving in July to Virginia on the East Coast. We have been chatting about all the things we want to see and do. Of course hubby is there to work, so most will be done on weekends and holiday breaks!

There is so much to organise with housing, schools and of course a car etc. There is only a certain amount of items we can take so most will go to storage or be sold before we go.

This is an adventure of a lifetime!!

So its time to do lots of researching, organise passports for the kids and visas etc. Wow we just dont know where to start!


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