
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

All Shook Up ~ literally!

This morning started really great. A sleep in all round, although I read a few more chapters of my book waiting for the boys to wake. It is the last day of school holidays.

We went out this morning and did some shopping for bits and pieces. The boys needed new soccer boots ready for their 2nd lot of training tomorrow night and I grabbed some picture hooks.

I had not long finished hanging the last picture on the wall and went to check on the washing. I was standing in the laundry, the door was open into the garage and the garage roller door was up.

The boys and their friend Aiden were riding their rip sticks in the garage. It was about 1:50pm.

All of a sudden the floor started to move from under my feet. I looked at the machine thinking the washing must have been inbalanced, then looked at the boys who were all curious as to what was going on. I immediately realised we were having an earthquake and a BIG one at that.

I stood and watched in shock as my car started moving backwards in the drive, enough though the handbrake was firm on. Aiden actually thought Mitchell must have got in and was moving it! Mitchell was on the grass though riding his bike.

Everything was still shaking and it felt like the house was going to fall down, it was moving so much you could see it! The windows were all rattling, the garage doors shook and the kids looked at me not knowing what to do.

Finally after about 30 seconds the earth stood still and we, along will most of our neighbours, ventured out the front basically in shock on the road discussing what had just happened.

Our next door neighbour's pictures had all come off the walls and smashed. The lady opposite was on the phone to her husband who has a business on the main intersection just down the road from us. He said all the road signs had fallen over, there was stuff smashed every where in his store.

Then we heard all the sirens as emergency services headed to damaged areas. I sit here typing and still cannot believe what happened.

I had no idea what the state of our house was inside as I was in the laundry and garage when it struck.

I had just finished unwrapping all our sentimental items and sat them on shelves and cabinets.

The boys wanted to check it out, but I told them to stay outside incase there was broken glass.
I was amazed to find all the freshly hung pictures still on the wall. I checked in the study and Cols framed degree was sitting on an odd angle, one of his grandmothers chinese ordiments has fallen over (thankfully not broken) and a pillar candle that a friend had made us with our wedding details on it had fallen to the ground and was damaged in one part. A few other items were right on the edge of the bookcase, so I just pushed them back.

I went up stairs and Rhyce's bedroom was a bit of a mess. All of his tallboy drawers were open and his cds had all fallen to the ground and smashed. Korey's cupboard doors had flung open but Mitchells room was fine.

I went into our room and noticed a photo of me on Cols bedside table had fallen over, his Aussie flag had fallen down and most items on my dresser had moved, but again nothing broken.

Went into our ensuite and found all our shampoo/conditioner etc had fallen of the shelf and onto the floor of the shower. I had some bath salts and body lotion near the bath that had also fallen over.

All in all our goods were ok, we were ok and I must have done a pretty good job at hanging the pictures today!
Verizon came off strike last night, but we still have no date as to when our tv, internet and phone will be connected. I could really do with the news right now.

Through facebook and google (on my mobile) I was able to find out that the earthquake was 5.9 on the richter scale and the epicentre was not very far from us at all. It is the first earthquake this area has had in over 100 years and was a shallow one, so felt for many miles, even as far as New York City! Actually felt in canada too!

There are a few road closures in the area while they check out the structure of the bridges but that is about all I can find out right now. I had the radio on for a short while but couldnt pick up a station that was giving constant updates without all the music.
For some reason my mobile phone will not allow me to make or receive calls but I could get on the internet on it. I had a message from a friend who is working at the same place as Col to let me know he was ok and would remain at the base as per normal to finish his training for the day.

Now I have no service at all so cant even get on the net!
I have been typing my blog and saving it, ready to copy and paste once the internet is up and running again! Lol
So that was our interesting events for the day. We lived through a history making event without any real damage to anything and wow that was crazy scary!


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