
Sunday, August 14, 2011

A weekend of shopping and "Hazzards"!

So I will start this blog from Friday 12th July, until today (Sunday) and call it my weekender!

I had been to look at a Pre school for Mitchell during the week (which he will be starting at in 2 weeks time!!) and decided the little bugger was going to start toilet training weather he liked it or not!
So he got up in the morning and I declared a no nappy day! Yep it was a declaration as it felt like WW3 had hit the Holloway den!

After 45 mins of screaming and throwing nappies at me demanding I put them on him, he finally realised he was not to win this battle. Now the BIG problem was all his jocks are in the air freight and not coming until Tuesday! lol So I chuck his shorts on him and after 2 trips to the loo, like a big boy, I suggest we go shopping to buy some more jocks. He was excited by this an selected the action hereos pack!
We got back to the Hotel and had a VERY successful day, only one minor accident on the way to the loo. It was a very exciting thing for us!!!  BUT was not to continue. Yesterday he had a bad day and wet himself 6 times thus not only running down to one pair of shorts but also one pair of jocks!
This morning we dressed him said left clothing and had an epic failure before even leaving the house. So pull ups it was for today until I got the washing all done!! Well enough of the toileting and on to the rest of the weekend!! lol

Hubby had an early finish on Friday so we headed for the shops! Its been so much fun purchasing new stuff for the house and even better when it doesnt cost an arm and leg! between Fri night and Saturday, we had literally filled the back of the car (with 2 seats down) up to the roof with goodies! So hubby rang the landlord and he said we could go to the house and drop everything off!! lol

Today (Sunday) we headed out to the Dukes of Hazzards homecoming festival. It was ok, hot again of course and we saw all the orginal cast members from the tv show. I grabbed a few sneaky pics, even got told by one guy to be careful because the 'real' Sherriff was not happy and telling people not to take picks! Meh, I'm an Aussie and I'll do what I want! the actors were happy posing for photos with fans anyway. the lines were far too long to grab any autographs, so here is a few pics:

Of course the series was not just about Daisy and her short shorts!! It had everything to do with General one! Although today saw many replica cars and of course replicas of the Sheiffif's car!

Oh and yep even buses were in on the act!! We spent close to 2 hours strolling around, there was a heap of food stores, some local produce and merchandise stands.
We headed back towards Feredericksburg with a short stop in the township of Culpeper. It has a few knick knack shops, antique stores and of course the local Inn. We didnt stop there for a drink as the kids were running a bit on the 'feral' side at that point! we did however pick up a couple of bottles of local wines to try out. I will crack mine tomorrow night to celebrate moving into the new house!!! Heres a couple of pics of the country side and town of Culpeper:

It is Monday in Oz right now and I have a friend in hospital about to have her twin girls!! I'm so excited to see some pics and their names of course! Not sure I will be able to sleep tonight!! Also a Big happy birthday to a special friends little girl, Matilda, today. Hope Tassie puts on some sunshine for you xxx

Well a nice big storm is rolling in, thunder, lightening and huge black clouds! I actually went for a quick trip outside and snapped some pics! Its amazing how quickly the weather changes here!


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