
Monday, October 10, 2011

When in Rome.................Pick a pumpkin to carve!!

Preparing for Halloween, US style!!

Today we headed out to the Belverdere Plantation (, not far from home, to do some pumpkin picking! The farm is not just all about pumpkins! There were mini pig races, a corn maze, animal farm, pumpkin shooting machine and so much more! We got to the plantation and it started to rain! So hubby made a dash back home for the coats and umbrellas! I took the kids into the barn in search of cover! Hubby returned and we waited for the rain to subside enough to venture out and explore all the great activities! We left the pumpkin picking until last, so we didnt have to cart 5 pumpkins around! We carefully selected our perfect pumpkins, ready to carve for Halloween :)

They had a great little horse race track that provided many laughs!

We had a really great day out despite the weather. Looking forward to it again next year!


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