
Friday, October 12, 2012

Navy Ball 2012

2012 United States Navy Ball

My husband Col & I entering the Ball
This evening we attended the Navy Ball in celebration of 237 years for the USN (United States Navy). We invited some fellow Aussies who are also on posting over here to join us along with some friends we met through hubby's work.
I love a reason to frock up, get my hair done and enjoy a night out in the company of adults only!
This year the venue was at the Fredericksburg Square. It was beautifully decorated and had a real intimate atmosphere. The food was amazing and Verdi champers was a delicious compliment to the night! Note to self..........hunt down some Verdi!
Of course the night it not just celebrating today's Navy but also remembering those who have fallen before us or currently deployed. I have to say the USA has an amazing respect for its Military and it is an honour to be a part of it. We all received a coin and glass as a memento of the night!
The glass

Front of coin

Back of coin
So here are a couple of photos of our night! A great night with great company and I look forward to next years one :)
Table 10! Charlene, Laurie, Myself, Col, Belinda, Jason, Christin & Andrew :)

The ladies :)

These 3 go way back......funny how we all come together again on the other side of the world :)

Just a small printing error LUET!!! Should be LEUT!!

The fabulous Table 10 crew!
We all enjoyed a small after party at our house. lots of laughs and it was really great to spend time with friends old and new :)


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