
About Me

My name is Sam. I am a wife and Mum of 5 children, 3 sons and 2 step daughters. I was born and raised in Australia. I spent the first 30 years of my life living in Melbourne, Victoria. That is where I met my now husband and we moved on a military posting from Melbourne to Sydney, NSW. We lived in Sydney for 5 years before taking an overseas posting to America! We have been here just over 2 years now and loving it!
The travel opportunities have been plentiful and I am loving that my husband is home every night with us all! Infact this is the longest amount of time that we have actually lived together without him off to sea for months or weeks on end. It has been a very welcomed change!
Together as a family we wrote a bit of a "to do" list on places we would like to visit in America. This has helped in the planning of our trips, ensuring that everyone gets to at least one place on their list.
We have opened our home to many visitors now and look forward to many more while we are living here!
I hope you enjoy reading our travel blog. We have done so much more than listed on this blog, but I do my best to keep it updated with all the highlights :)


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