
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ok so we skipped a few months but I will fill you in!

After many hours of paperwork, red tape and more hoops then we cared to jump through, we have arrived in USA.

The last 2 weeks in Oz were extremely emotional, stressful and exciting all at once!
We took a quick trip down to Melbourne to farewell most of my family. the highlight was my youngest sister giving birth to her daughter, my little niece Holly Michelle, while we were there :)
It was great to meet her given we were about to leave the country for quite some time! We got to spend some really nice time with all my nieces and nephews, brother, sisters, their other halves and of course my Mum.

We had a farewell lunch at Zagames with some awesome friends and relatives :)  Oh and I got to spend some time with my special surrogate daughter Paige. Although we dont see each other often, she means the world to me and will always be a part of my life :) She knows how much I love her.....fingers crossed she can come over for a visit while we are here xxx

The day we left was a day of tears, it was all Mums fault!!!! lol She set me off.
We headed back up the Hume on route to Sydney, to farewell a heap of friends, Cols family and pack up home! On our way home we were closing in on a small town that one of my besties, Sam, lives in. Although we had said goodbye on the way down to Melb, I felt compelled for one final hug! We pulled into her drive and knocked the door and she wasnt home. I felt an instant sadness. Tried her mobile and no heading out the town I couldnt believe it.....there was her car parked out the front of the Post Office. Like a moment you would see on a movie, I jumped out of the car, raced into the PO and there she was!!! She looked at me in shock and I said "I couldnt drive past without one final goodbye". We walked out of the PO burst into tears and had huge hug and cry together :(
She sms'd me about 10 mins later saying she was still crying. I love her and her family to bits, miss them heaps x

Got back to Sydney and it was time to sort the house into piles.....what was coming and what would go into storage for the next 3 years. We had our farewell dinner at our local The Wentworth Hotel, which again was shared with awesome friends and family.

LOTS of paperwork, 3x inventories and a few glasses of wine later....the removalists showed up, it was time to make the move. We had 3 days of removals and spent 4 nights in a gorgeous Spa suite in the city. I cannot tell you how great that spa was!!!!

On Saturday the 9th July, the boys said goodbye to their closest mates and we said farewell to our awesome friends in Newington. We also had the sad farewell with the girls. My gorgeous step daughters Taquira & Alysha. They live with their Mum in Brisbane and will spend time with us (twice a year) over here in the States. The plane left, the tears flowed and we headed back to the Hotel for our last night in Oz. My bestest SIL and my 2 nieces and nephew came and spent some time with us and had dinner in our room. Another sad farewell, lots of tears and I miss her heaps xxx

So the day arrived ~Sunday the 10th July 2011.  We checked in our bags and headed for the Qantas Club lounge.  I rang and had a chat with another bestie Nicky, my cousin Kerrie and then a quick skype to Mum. At about 12:30pm we boarded a Qantas A380 bound for Los Angeles. We were VERY fortunate to fly business class and it was amazing! All 3 boys were kept well occupied and behaved and hubby and I enjoyed a few movies, wines/beers and just took time to reflect on what we had been through in the past week! It was nice just to chill and relax and we were totally drained emotionally.

We landed in LAX on the 10th July at 10:45am! Great to gain a day! Got to our Hotel, had a shower and then hit the town! It was our aim to keep everyone awake until bedtime that night to help with the jetlag! We did a little bit of shopping, lots of walking around and enjoyed the warmer weather :)
It paid off and we all had a great night sleep and woke up feeling fine!


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