
Friday, July 15, 2011

LA ~ Washington DC ~ Virginia ~ LOST suitcase!!!

Up bright and early and once again hail a cab to the airport. The driver was a little on the odd side but got us to where we needed to be. the highways here are in sane, 6 lanes accross both ways in most instances!!!

Checked in (Business Class again) and headed straight for the equivilant Qantas Club lounge for some breaky. Mitchell enjoyed watching the aircraft coming and going through the glass walls!
We boarded our flight with America Airlines and guess we were a 'little' spoilt with Qantas!! Seats were much smaller, one tv between 2 rows of seats with cabin crew control....infact the same movie played on all screens!

The next pic a view over LA :)

We had the most scenic flight imaginable. Huge Mountain Ranges higher than the clouds at times, waterways and even towns and States!!
Here is a snippet of some of the view from the plane window!

The highlight of the flight was this announcement "this is your Captain speaking, for those who wish to view the Grand Canyon, it will be on the right hand side of the aircraft in approx 2 mins time". You little ripper, I had a window seat on the right of the plane!! Although we were a distance from it, we could still see the magnitude of this landmark. the pics really dont do it justice!

We touched down in Washington DC at the Dulles International airport, where we were met by Dan. He, his wife Mel and their 2 children are currently living in Fredericksburg, Virginia with Dan in the position that Col will soon fill.
We were waiting at the baggage collection point eagerly awaiting our cases to come through so we could hit the road. We still had about a 2 hour drive before we got to Virginia/Fredericksburg. (Lots of traffic!!) As we had flown Business class, all the priority luggage comes out first, which was ours. Case after case we piled the trollys high and then waiting, waiting, case missing! After much searching of the airport, incase someone had picked it up by accident, Col went to report the case as missing. He was a little, ok VERY stressed as the whole case was full of all his Navy uniforms, bling and medals.
Fortunately, it was due to all his buttons and bling, that they required to screen check and open his case to ensure it wasnt a threat. The case was on the next flight over and was to be delivered to Dan and Mels as soon as it arrived!!

After a fair bit of traffic, we arrived at what would be home for the next week :) Dan and Mel have a gorgeous house and were fantastic hosts to us, we really appreciated it guys :)


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