
Thursday, July 14, 2011

San Diego Zoo

Thursday 14th July 2011

So day 3 of 3 in SD and we head to the zoo. We called a cab and the driver took us through an amazing area filled with museums, gardens and statues which was just around the corner from the Zoo. Really wished we had a bit more time down here as it would have been a day or 2 at least of exploring this part of the area. Here are some pics taken out of the cab window of the amazing buildings that lined the streets:

So time to hit the zoo with one mission.....the Pandas! The line was quite long and it was a little disappointing to only have one Panda on display and we were kind of rushed through but it was pretty cool to see all the same :)

We saw many animals, as you do in the zoo, but some we had not seen before like the Black Bear and we watched a hummingbird eating nectar. There wwas a few odd characters around and hubby could not resist reconnecting with his inner Gorilla!!!! LOL

Then we came across the most spectacular remodel of our very own aussie Ayers Rock.....ok not quite the replica expected!!

We left the zoo and grabbed a cab back to the hotel, got all our luggage and headed to the Amtrak station for our 3 hour train ride back to Los Angeles. We had a 9am flight to Washington DC the next morning! Hubby sat back an enjoyed an 'Old Bastards' beer, the kids coloured in and played DS and I enjoyed resting after a full on 3 days in San Diego!

We arrived safely in LA and cabbed it to the Hollywood Inn Hotel. After a 14 hour day the last thing we needed to here at 9pm was "sorry, we dont have your booking"! Lucky I had the print out of our booking and payment as proof and they had one room left for the night. So we bunked up in a grotty small room with 2 tiny double beds for the 5 of us. Not even a kettle to make a cuppa!! Thank god we were to tired to care and checked out early for our flight!


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