
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Another quake & boys start school

Well today off a little shaky! At 1:07am we were woken to another earthquake. It lasted about 25 seconds and was enough to frighten the crap out of me! I had lots of trouble sleeping after, just waiting for a bigger one to hit. It turned out to be 4.5 on the richter scale.

After finally falling asleep tyhe alarm clock went off! Time to get up and get the boys ready for their first day of school! They were suppose to start yesterday but due to the bigger quake on Tuesday, they had to wait for structural engineers to deem the buildings as safe :)

The boys got organised with very little fuss and waited out on the step for their school bus to come by. It reminded me so much of a Simpsons episode, only the driver of the bus was female and much nicer! The boys hopped on and off they went....................woohooo hello sanity, it has been a while! LOL

Mitchell and I hung around home most of the day as FINALLY verizon came out to hook us up! It took the technition about 2 hours to get it all sorted. Its great having TV again and now we can keep up to date with the incoming Hurricane Irene!

We had a really bad storm hit at about 4:20pm this afternoon. It was scary too! Many people lost power, cars were crashing on the roads and trees had fallen every where. I was a bit worried about Col getting back home from work as he had left his mobile at home for Vorizon to call me on. Verizon is the cable guy! lol It was blowing a huge gale forced winds and the rain was blowing through like sheets! The thunder clapped so loud the house shook a little on one occasion!
I moved my car into the garage as the news reported huge hail stones, although we were spared of them! Here is some video footage of the storm, the wind was really blowing and I stood on the front step to get this snippet!!

I have googled some info about the pending hurricane and as we are not right on the coast (about 40kms inland) we wont get it as bad as other areas. That said, we need to be prepared. I have brought some batteries for the torches, a lighter and candles. Going to get some bottled water tomorrow and make sure we have a first aid kit and food supplies all in the basement, just incase. It is due to hit Sat/Sun.

We had to go out to the pool shop with our water sample to find out how much of what chemicals we needed so we can start using the spa! We have filled that spa 3 times over the past few days and lets just say 3rd time lucky!!! The other 2 times we looked at it in the morning to find the bloody thing empty again! Turns out it has 2 drainage plugs that had not been put back in.....of course we discovered them one at a time! lol
Its a funky spa with its own little water feature and light that you can set firm on one colour or have it change to multiple colours!! Looking forward to getting in and using it before the sun stops shinning!

We also popped into Costco and brought a telephone pack so we now havew the home phone connected too! got a funky pack that came with a water resistant portable phone, so we can have it outside whilst enjoying the spa!! lol

The boys had a great first day at school, made a few more friends and were quite excited to tell us all about their day :)
Rhyce made a quick call back to oz to wish one of his besties (Luke) a Happy birthday before Luke headed to school! He said its funny how I have just got home from school on Thursday and Luke is just going to school on Friday!


Anonymous said...

lt's interesting place where you are living
America land of dreams, enjoy your new home and the spa.

Doing us proud.
Rob Fox

Anonymous said...

The homes and streets look so clean like footballs house wifes style... Hope u dont get the bad storm

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys :0 Yeah it is really nice and clean here. Strict rules about what you can and cant do with your yards, much like a body corporate! I cant even put a clothes hoist outside and we no washing lines!

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