
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fredericksburg, Virginia

16th July ~ 29th July 2011

After a good night sleep we are shown around the area. We headed to Downtown Fredericksburg, which I LOVE! It is an historic town with lots of interesting shops and things to do. We will go back on a weekend and do the trolly tour through the Civil War areas.

Monday we met with one of Mel's friends who is a realtor and started the painful process of house hunting. There was one possible option but it needs a bit of work done to it before we move in, like painting and gardening. So we will keep looking around for now.

Had a few 'issues' with political red tape, which has thankfully all been sorted for now.....we think!

Friday 22nd July we leave Dan and Mels and start out stay in temporary accomodation at the Marriot Towne Suites. It is a 2 bedroom small suite with a kitchen, bathroom and living area. The Hotel has a pool which is gfreat as it has been between 100-110F and really humid!

On monday (25th July) we said farewell to hubby as he set off to start week one of a 2 weeks course down in Virgnia Beach. As it was a 3hr drive away he just came back to the Hotel for the weekend inbetween.
During this 2 weeks period I was still searching for a house to rent. It was starting to get stressful as we needed a signed lease in order to enrol the boys into school and Mitchell into pre school!


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