
Monday, August 1, 2011

Fredericksburg Agriculture Show

Sat 1st August 2011

We headed out for a suprise day for the kids today! We took them to the local Fair! It was cheap to get in and for $18 the kids got an unlimited ride band. There was quite a few rides so well worth the money :)
It was a super hot day again so we took cover under ever shady spot available and just sweltered in the heat while the kids had a ball!
It was 2nd ride in that the boys went on some spinning ride and decided it was so great they would stay on and do it again back to back! Here is the before and after shot!

Needless to say both boys got off feeling and looking a little green! But we ventured on and Mitchell enjoyed a couple of kiddy rides. Korey went solo on a few rides and Rhyce just sat it out, sipping water trying to stop the motion sickness!

We wandered around for a bit and came accross a guy selling name signs for bedrooms. mitchell loved the 'cars' themed one and for $7 we couldnt resist!! I was just about to pay the guy when Rhyce looked at me and said I'm going to spew! with that he started vomitting everywhere. The poor guy had to get a shovel and clean it up, thankfully it was on the grass!!! Mitchell was happy with his ne name sign though :

A great day out but time to head back to the hotel. We were so hot we jumped into the pool to cool off before heading to Dan and Mels for a roast pork feast!


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