
Monday, August 8, 2011

The house is ours!!!! Time to finally settle in the States :)

So we have had the official go ahead from the powers to be and have signed a lease for the house! Col has been and looked through and is pretty pleased with the result of my finding! We are so super happy and excited to finally move out of this hotel and start our life in Virginia :)
Here are a few pics of the inside!!!!!

He has also finished his 1st course so time to be a family again :) We have busy looking around the local area and shopping galore!!! It is so cheap for things over here and well we have a lovely house to fill now :)

I have found an awesome craft shop called the Hobby Lobby and I am looking forward to many a shopping trips buying stuff and decorate the house for all the seasons and celebrations over here.....when in Rome as they say!!


Unknown said...

the new place looks great! enjoy this exciting new time in your life-i'll be living vicariously through you lol xxxx clare

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