
Monday, September 5, 2011

Last day of the Jersey trip!

So we head back home today after a fun filled few days. We have decided that rather than take the road all the way, we would take the car on the Cape May Ferry service all for fun!
We packed up the car, fed the kids, stopped for a Coffee for Col and drove about an hour down to Cape May. we stopped at the info centre as we wanted to have a look around the township and also organise the ferry.

They gave us a few maps and we headed for the Cape May lighthouse :) It is a really nice coastal area down here with quite a bit to see and do! We arrive at the car park and see a few wooden platforms. One has telescopes set up and a few people with binoculars on. So we headed over to see what they were looking at!! Turns out this place is the best bird viewing area in the world. You can see thousands of Hawks migrate each year from this platform. Whilst we didnt see the migration we did enjoy watching an Osprey hunt for food. It managed to grab itself a fish from the pond and took off. There were other types of birds around and the boys enjoyed watching them through the telescopes that the bird watching experts had set up. They do daily counts here on the numbers and breeds!

After a while we headed over to the other platform, this was the access to the beach. It looked really nice but we didnt have the time to swim today! there was also the remnants from an old WW11 bunker on the sand. We headed over to the lighthouse but decided not to climb this one. we had a pretty good view of the ocean area from the platform anyway. It was also getting really hot and we wanted to look around the old town mall!

Mitchell took this photo of Mummy and Daddy!!

We drove back to the township and went for a wander around. I loved this area a lot, including the fudge tasting! Lots of  shops selling funky things and some great ideas on different clocks, wine racks etc. We discovered a Christmas shop and went in for a look. We ended up buying our first US Chrissy decoration and a funky wine rack to hang on the wall in the bar area at home! The Chrissy dec is a snowman with Cape May on it..............and so begins my next collecting item!! I have decided to try and collect a Chrissy decoration for every place we visit so when we get home we have some awesome memories to hang on our tree! Only problem is I will have to do some online shopping now to buy some from the places we have already been! lol Oh and hubby picked me up another shot glass to add to the collection :)

It was time to head to the ferry terminal and book our trip back across! It cost $55 for all of us including the car, which was great! We went into the terminal and enjoyed a tasty lunch and I popped a couple of seasick tablets (just incase!!) before they called us to drive the cars on. Once parked we got out and went up onto the seating areas. It was quite windy, so the boys all put jumpers on! the cruise across was really nice and just long enough, 80 mins! There was cafe, small arcade room and tvs on....oh and of course a bar! col enjoyed a beer and I resorted to a cup of tea! This part of the trip home was truly the calm before the storm.....a MASSIVE one at that!

We departed of the ferry in Lewes and started driving and within 20 mins we were stuck on a single laned road that resembled more of a car park. At first we thought maybe there was a car accident, but no, it was just holiday traffic. Only problem was we still had over 300kms to go!!! Some parts broke into 2 lanes and the flow went a little better, but then it cut down to one again. It was 4pm when we left the ferry and after a massive storm, heaps of rain and very little visual line markings on the road and finally hitting a 3 laned motorway, we pulled in at home at 10:30pm! Oh and that included one stop at maccas for 'dinner' which was terrible!!

Even with 2 lanes it didnt move much quicker!!

Crossing over a bridge in Maryland, yep it was raining!

And so this brings us to the end of our road trip up to New Jersey! we all had a blast and above all hubby fulfilled his dream :)


Samantha said...

These are awesome! Well done. So many get the opportunity to live in other places with work and don't travel or see all that is at their disposal. You guys are amazing. But, I'd love to know, is it still cheap? By US standards? By Oz standards (ie compared to Aussie tourist attractions)? Keep it coming, those who love you, love it all.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sam, the plan was always to make the most of it!!!
It is a little bit cheaper than Oz for most things, sometimes alot the Aquarium was $22 for all 5 of us!!! The theme parks are pretty much the same.

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