
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Navy Ball 2011

Tonight we attended the 2011 Navy Ball, celebrating 236 years of Navy!
It was a great opportunity to frock up and enjoy an evening with friends!

I made a quick visit to Laura, my hairdresser for a simple yet elegant style! It took all of 15 mins and looked great!

Col & I ready to leave :)

 We arrived and found our table. There were 2 other couples, Col & I and AJ and Alex. I was fortunate to be escorted by 3 gentlement tonight. Although we had to purchase our own drinks, a little different to the Balls at home, we had a really great night :)

AJ & Col

The birthday cake....Happy 236 years Navy!

We all got a wine glass and medal to keep :)

AJ, Alex & Col

Our little Aussie gang!

AJ & Alex


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