
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Annapolis & the US Navy Academy, Maryland!

This afternoon we took a drive out to Annapolis. It has been on our 'to do' list for a while now and with Kasey in town, it seemed like the perfect time to make the trip!

We drove into town and followed the signs to the visitors centre. It is located at the West end of town along the main street. What a great little street it is too! Lots of nice shops and just has that feel about it. After the recommendation at the tourist centre, we took the short drive down to Dock street, the marina area. What a beautiful place! Lots of boats and yachts, great cafes and plenty of cruises to choose from!

Start of the Main Street

Pussers fitting for a pub near a Navy Academy!!

View from the cruise

Looking at the Dock

We picked up our tickets for a 40 minute cruise that took us around bay and the US Navy Academy. Both my husband and Kasey are officers in the Royal Australian Navy, so they had a great interest in seeing another countries training grounds!
First stop was the onboard bar! Nothing is as relaxing as enjoying a glass of wine on the deck of a cruise! The fellas went with beer! Then we sat back and took in the gorgeous scenery. Taking lots of pictures along the way, it seemed to be over far too quickly!

Myself, Col & Kasey

Mitchell & Col



Looking back at the Dock

A lovely rose`

Hubs and I relaxing :)

US Navy Academy

Houses along the Waterfront

Kasey enjoying the sunshine & beer!

Kasey & Col

Not part of the Navy Academy, but a Navy training centre across the waterway

Enjoying the cruise!

We disembarked the cruise and took a short walk into the Academy grounds. Kasey was hoping to catch the gift shop, but it had closed already for the day..............although it was 5:20pm!
We took a look at the Chapel and on base housing, but everything was closed for the day. It was still great to have a wander around and get a glimpse into the US Navy way of life!

This is what is referred to as a Married Patch! Housing for those who live on base

Each house had the name of the family who were residing there!

Guess whose house this is???? The CO of course!

The Chapel & Crypt

Chapel....................the top is real gold!

Map of the grounds

We found a small gift shop on the way out so Kasey was still able to grab a few souvenirs before flying back to Oz tomorrow! I also picked up a fridge magnet and shot glass to add to the collection :)

As the time was ticking away we decided to head back to the West end of main street and grab a bite to eat at the Ram's Head Tavern that Kasey and I had spotted earlier, whilst in the visitor centre!
It was a great little pub with a live band playing outside. The food was very tasty and the highlight was the yummy warm crab dip with bread! We were already feeling full after devouring that, let alone the main meal! I enjoyed a mango based cocktail and the fellas had a couple of the locally brewed beers. The tavern has a beer of the worlds challenge, which consists of 100 different beers! Although hubby could cross a few off the list, I'm sure he will be back to actually take on the challenge one day!

Ram's Head Tavern

Mitchell with his Daddy at the tavern :)

Rhyce & Korey

We will definately be back in Annapolis to see what else this great waterfront town has to offer!

Sunset over the bay :)


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