
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

There's Somethin' 'Bout a Truck!

Today I needed to make a trip out to Culpeper. Culpeper is a small country town, about 35 miles West of Fredericksburg. It has a great little Downtown strip with boutique style shops and then of course Walmart! Todays trip saw me take to the 'city'! I had placed an order on Walmarts online service and for some reason during the transaction, it changed my pick up store to Culpeper!

The gorgeous Downtown Culpeper

I enjoyed the drive out there, lots of farming and it was an easy run compared to last weeks I-95 experiences!

I made it into Walmart and boy did I stick out!! Yep I was in the country all right! I think I was the only one not sporting a cowboy hat or flanny shirt! lol I was pleased to have at least worn demin jeans today!

As I was driving home, down a remote country road with no lines on the roads (yep thankyou gps!!) I thought, hey why dont I find a country radio station and get right into the moment! Hitting the scan button I came across 103.1 WJMA, this will do!

As I spent the next 40 mins winding my way back to Fredericksburg, I learnt a lot about country music. Here is my quick breakdown list on what country singers sing about:

  • trucks
  • chicks
  • beers
  • feet on the dash
  • chevy's
  • sex and
  • fields
They all tend to be about the same thing, its the catchy tunes that differ them!! Anyhow the highlight for me was a song called Somethin' 'Bout a Truck, by Kip Moore. JACKPOT a song that incorporates all elements of my breakdown list above, into one song........who'd a thunk it!!!!! Here is the link to the youtube video of this song.........which just quietly, I dont mind :)
Maybe there is a little country in all of us!

Somethin' 'Bout a Truck!

My Photos by


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